For some reason I had forgotten to post this, but back in the end of April my zombie Donald painting “One Last Dance” placed 8th in the Juxtapoz Saber’s Pick contest to expose new and up-and-coming talent to the Juxtapoz audience.
Obviously I didn’t win, but I’m pretty stoked about placing 8th as I never really entered the contest. I tweeted a pic of the finished painting (paint still wet) to Saber with the hashtag “#saberspick” to get his attention because he loved my previous zombie Mickey Painting I had done a few moths earlier and I wanted to see if he dug the Donald as much. Well as coincidence would have it the saber’s pick/Juxtapoz contest was in full swing at the time and I had inadvertently entered my piece by hashtagging it.
My only excuse for not knowing the contest was going on, was the fact that I was crazy busy with life and work and I just wasn’t very active on twitter that month (even less than usual). If I would have known, I would have entered WAY more stuff than the one piece…
Se la vi, I’m still stoked that I ranked in the top 10, especially for not really even entering!
Big thanks to Saber AWR for the shout out, even though I think he wrote less about my work than anyone else on the page. lol